Sunday, March 31, 2013

It's EASTER!!!

This morning I woke up at 7 o'clock. Then I took a shower ate breakfast. Then we played The settler of Catan but I lose. Then we ate launch and put to easter eggs in the baskets. After that I played The settler of Catan again but this time I won!!!!! Then at 7:00 I prepared for church. We took about hour!! to went to church. I got white candle and we sang many songs. They told story about beginning of the Earth. It took about 3-4 hours to finished. I got home at 0:05 I didn't take a shower and went to bed.

Today is easter day so Mrs. and Mr.Stier hide our baskets we had to find them. I woke up at 8 o'clock I took a shower and went up stair I took about 30 minute to find my basket it full of candies and chocolates. Then we went to Mrs.Stier's sister house and had a Easter launch went we finished eating we played rock band 2 it's like guitar hero but we had drum bass guitar and vocal we enjoyed it. We went back home and played out side suddenly there is snow storm so we play in the garage after 10 minute it stopped. Then we played The settler of Catan with 5 players. Then we watched the movies and went to bed.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Easter is coming !!!

Hi!!! Today I woke up at 8:30. After I took a shower I ate breakfast there're pancakes with maple syrup eggs and orange juice. Then I watched my friends play the settler of Catan. We went to boot store to boots. Then I went home and play the settler of Catan and I won!!!!!. After that I played pool. Then we played Sequence it's about cards and coins to win we have to make tow rows of five coins by put the coins on the cards that you have. Then we played outside we rode the bikes played snowball fight and walked the dogs. We watch the movie. Then we painted Easter eggs we was very fun.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

First day with host!!!!

At the morning I woke up 4:30 because I have to wash the dishes and pack our bags. I'm the first who woke up. We made welcome sign for our hosts but it's didn't finish so we went to school for launch. The we continued our works I cleaned my room and living room. Then we played snow ball fight my team have only me but another team have Japan Didi Dada June and In it's very fun. Then we talking with friends about music and our host families. Then hosts came to our home and start the party. I ate cookies and cream pudding and fish. Then we went to host families home and I played snow ball fight with boys. After that I took a shower and wrote a blog.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

School day!!!!

I woke up at 5:30 because of my alarm clock. P'Pat woke up too because she think it's a fire or tornado alarm. It like peeeeep....peeeeeep....peeeeeeep.....peeeeeeeep......peeeeeeep...... Then I ate breakfast with Gam and Teacher George. Teacher George hide apple jack cereal in the closet(because p'Pat love to eat it). After that I walked outside. I saw the sky color is pink purple blue and orange. I took a pictures. When I came back p'Pat saw the apple jack box is empty so p'Pat talked to Teacher George "You ate all of it?" Teacher George laugh hah hah hah!!! Then we made gifts and cards for host family and school's principle. After that we went to Divine Savior Catholic school to present our ice breakers and make friends. My first class is home room so we present our ice breaker in this class. Then the next class is social study. We learned about Latin America then we play game by use the right hand throw the ball and left hand receive the ball. My team win!!!!!!! We went to see movie about Christian. We went to music room. We sang the apple song chocolate sundae and grandmother's chicken soup. It's very fun in grandmother's chicken soup all boys in my class run like chicken and say bark bark!!! After that we went to Mc' Donald to access internet. Then we went back home. We made 2 snowmen there are boys team and girls team. Boys team made slim and tall snowman. Girls team made fat short snowman but they made tall hat it about half size of snowman. Then we had a dinner with Feider family and Cat's family. We had hamburgers melon lay mtn dew coke and grapes. Cat's sister said Gene's face like Justin Bieber everybody laugh hahahHahahahHah!!!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Today is Tuesday. I woke up at 7:20. We went to Henning's Cheese store factory and museum. I met my host family too. We watched how to make many types of cheeses and we tasted it for free! We saw the big wheels of cheeses it very huge and heavy. After that we bought some cheese, hat and ice cream. Then we went to Chinese buffet restaurant. The foods taste are bad!!!! we didn't like it. Then we went to Feider's farm. We saw cows it smell very bad because of cow's poops. Then we ate ice cream sandwiches. After we finished we went to another barn there are chickens and alpaca in it and we feed them. The alpaca's wools are the softest thing that I ever touch!!!!. Then we went to Feider's house it's very big and beautiful. After that we went to library to access the wifi. We went to skate center we play roller skate. First I don't know how to play but after T. George taught me I can play but I played very fast so I fall every time.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Quiet day

Today i got up at 5:12. I ate chip and salsa for breakfast. Today Teacher George didn't have any plan for today so today is quiet day. We upgraded snowman. We made all the parts bigger but finally all parts are in same size when we put together but it look strange. Then we went to warp man(it)owoc up restaurant almost all menu are burrito (again?). We didn't like it but burritos taste are ok. Then we went to library (again?) to access the internet. Then went to Macus Cinema at Green bay. We watched the movie name The Croods in 3D. The story is about the family that alway follow the rules but there're the boy names guy he change every thing. It was very fun. Then we went home at 9:30.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Today is sunday so we have to church at 10:00. We sang many songs and the people at the church are very kind. Then we went to taco bell restaurant there are many type of taco like volcano, beefy, cheese and XXL size. It's very delicious. Then we went to Manitowoc public library to access the internet. We went to walmart to buy some food. I bought moisture lipstick and chip's salsa. We went to Mr.Lucky restaurant there are games and foods. Gam, Teacher George and Gene got dolls from the game. Then we went to Teacher George's house. I met Teacher George's mother, father and dog. The dog names Pepper.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Meet my friends.

              Hi my name is Thanapong Chuangyanyong .My friends call me Pokpong. I'm going to America trip at Wisconsin. Today I meets the friends. At first we create our blog. Then we play games. The game name "Charades" Teacher George seperate we in 2 groups each turn one person will go to Teacher George and recieve the word and he or she have to tell the word to the team without speaking. The lose team have to clean the room and wash the dishes. Then we write the blog and go to bed.

First day at United State.

I went to airport at 23:00 .We left Thailand at 3.00. Thailand to South Korea is about 5 hours, but South Korea to Chicago is much more. We travel by bus to New Holstein. In New Holstein is very cold and a lot of snow on the floor. We play snow balls fight. When we finished our shoes and pants are wet. We went to bed at 20:30. Next day we ate the pancake breakfast at the school . They are festival and games in the school. We got 5 tickets to play games. Then we wait for Teacher George bring the van from Manitowoc about 2-3 hours. We go to library. Then we eat Hongkong buffet it not very good but we can eat it. Then we went to ice-cream restaurant. There are very strange name like Goody goody, Wisconsin beauty and hog 'n dog and there are many type and shape such as airplane chocolate, shark chocolate and play cards chocolates. Then we went bowling at night we meet host family. I played bowling with My buddy his name is Lawton and her sister is very funny.