Wednesday, March 27, 2013

School day!!!!

I woke up at 5:30 because of my alarm clock. P'Pat woke up too because she think it's a fire or tornado alarm. It like peeeeep....peeeeeep....peeeeeeep.....peeeeeeeep......peeeeeeep...... Then I ate breakfast with Gam and Teacher George. Teacher George hide apple jack cereal in the closet(because p'Pat love to eat it). After that I walked outside. I saw the sky color is pink purple blue and orange. I took a pictures. When I came back p'Pat saw the apple jack box is empty so p'Pat talked to Teacher George "You ate all of it?" Teacher George laugh hah hah hah!!! Then we made gifts and cards for host family and school's principle. After that we went to Divine Savior Catholic school to present our ice breakers and make friends. My first class is home room so we present our ice breaker in this class. Then the next class is social study. We learned about Latin America then we play game by use the right hand throw the ball and left hand receive the ball. My team win!!!!!!! We went to see movie about Christian. We went to music room. We sang the apple song chocolate sundae and grandmother's chicken soup. It's very fun in grandmother's chicken soup all boys in my class run like chicken and say bark bark!!! After that we went to Mc' Donald to access internet. Then we went back home. We made 2 snowmen there are boys team and girls team. Boys team made slim and tall snowman. Girls team made fat short snowman but they made tall hat it about half size of snowman. Then we had a dinner with Feider family and Cat's family. We had hamburgers melon lay mtn dew coke and grapes. Cat's sister said Gene's face like Justin Bieber everybody laugh hahahHahahahHah!!!

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy reading your blog and have to compliment you. You can remember the named of the places, detailed of things and your grammar're good also. I think you are bright and smart boy.
    Gene and June's Mum
