Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Today I went to school at 8 o'clock at the morning. First class is wood shop I learned about how to use tools and types of woods. I have English class and then science class I learned about earthquake. I had launch and I bought 2 cookies it cost 75 cent!!! but it very delicious. I had math class I learned about similar polygon I very easy. Then I had art class Lawton made something that I didn't know what is it. It's like little alien jar. Then my last class is study hall normally I had to do homework but I didn't have any homework so I wrote this blog and went home. At home I did my house work like burned garbages. Then I played foam sword again. I did like last time "My name is Inigo Montoya you killed my father, prepared to die". Then we played The settler of Catan and I won!!!! After that I went to bed.

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