Monday, April 8, 2013

Another school day

Today I had to go to school so I woke up at 7 o'clock at the morning and ate sandwich as breakfast. My first class is wood shop I measured and cut the wood with saw. Then I studied Language Art I did an exercise. Then I studied science about earthquake and tsunami. I had launch with Lawton we had instant noodle and Lawton ate instant noodle two big ice cream sandwiches and two big cookies. Next class is mathematic Teacher gave me a test paper that I did 4 minutes last day. I got 100% all correct!!!! all students shocked. Then I studied social study. I studied art Teacher gave we a picture of New Holstein Middle School and we drew it I did very well. Then I came back home and walked the dog very far and sophia found a grass snake she let it on her hand all the way. Then we played foam sword watched movie and went to bed

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