Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Yesterday I woke up at 7:00 o'clock because it was school day. I went to school at 7:40. First class was wood shop. I did very well and fast. Next class was ELA it bored like every time. Next class was science my group used earthquake graph (it's record earthquake frequency). Then we had instant noodle for launch. Then I had mathematic class. Next class was gym I played mat ball. I went back home and went to jinny's house we went to Connor's dad work place. After that we went skate at the same place then I went back home. Next day it was Wednesday it was short day I very like this day because it short. In the morning I did like everyday then after mathematic class it was art class I drew very beautiful it was middle school picture. Then I came back home and played outside. Then I ate dinner and went to bed

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